Results for 'Josh Luis Lujan'

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  1.  21
    (1 other version)Biological Diversity and Political Equality.Josh Luis Lujan & Luis Moreno - 1997 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 2 (3-4):172-184.
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  2. Ciencia precautoria y la "fabricación de incertidumbre".José Luis Luján López & Oliver Todt - 2008 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 23 (3):307-317.
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    " El pensamiento de L. Laudan: relaciones entre historia de la ciencia y filosofía de la ciencia", de Wenceslao J. González (ed.). [REVIEW]José Luis Luján López - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):125-127.
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    Evidence based methodology: a naturalistic analysis of epistemic policies in regulatory science.José Luis Luján & Oliver Todt - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-19.
    In this paper we argue for a naturalistic solution to some of the methodological controversies in regulatory science, on the basis of two case studies: toxicology and health claim regulation. We analyze the debates related to the scientific evidence that is considered necessary for regulatory decision making in each of those two fields, with a particular attention to the interactions between scientific and regulatory aspects. This analysis allows us to identify two general stances in the debate: a) one that argues (...)
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    El Concordato de 1953.Juan Luis Acebal Luján - 1974 - Salmanticensis 21 (2):353-367.
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    Standards of evidence and causality in regulatory science: Risk and benefit assessment.José Luis Luján & Oliver Todt - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 80 (C):82-89.
  7.  8
    Características del capítulo “De Religiosis” de la constitución “Lumen Gentium”.Juan Luis Acebal Luján - 1965 - Salmanticensis 12 (3):615-639.
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    The Role of Values in Methodological Controversies: The Case of Risk Assessment.José Luis Luján & Oliver Todt - 2015 - Philosophia Scientiae 19:45-56.
    Le débat sur le rôle des valeurs en science survient également dans les sciences appliquées, en particulier dans les sciences régulatives. Nous proposons une analyse, sous l’angle des valeurs, des controverses récentes sur le rôle de la connaissance scientifique dans la régulation des risques technologiques. Nous distinguons trois perspectives sur les valeurs cognitives et non-cognitives, dans le contexte de l’évaluation et de la gestion du risque. Notre analyse montre que les deux types de valeurs interagissent au sein du processus de (...)
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  9.  27
    Values and Decisions: Cognitive and Noncognitive Values in Knowledge Generation and Decision Making.José Luis Luján & Oliver Todt - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (5):720-743.
    The relevance of scientific knowledge for science and technology policy and regulation has led to a growing debate about the role of values. This article contributes to the clarification of what specific functions cognitive and noncognitive values adopt in knowledge generation and decisions, and what consequences the operation of values has for policy making and regulation. For our analysis, we differentiate between three different types of decision approaches, each of which shows a particular constellation of cognitive and noncognitive values. Our (...)
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  10.  75
    Ciencia precautoria y la “fabricación de incertidumbre”.José Luis Luján Y. Oliver Todt - 2008 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 23 (3):307-317.
    En este trabajo analizamos una de las propuestas recientes que defienden modificaciones metodológicas en la evaluación de riesgos respecto a los estándares de prueba: el enfoque basado en el peso de las pruebas (weight of evidence). Este enfoque puede interpretarse como un caso de ciencia precautoria en la investigación sobre riesgos. Esto es, se trata de una metodología que pretende proporcionar resultados más protectores de la salud pública y del entorno que las metodologías usuales en la evaluación de riesgos. Sin (...)
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  11.  14
    Ciencia precautoria y la "fabricación de incertidumbre".José Luis Luján & Oliver Todt - 2009 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 23 (3):307-317.
    En este trabajo analizamos una de las propuestas recientes que defienden modificaciones metodológicas en la evaluación de riesgos respecto a los estándares de prueba: el enfoque basado en el peso de las pruebas (weight of evidence). Este enfoque puede interpretarse como un caso de ciencia precautoria en la investigación sobre riesgos. Esto es, se trata de una metodología que pretende proporcionar resultados más protectores de la salud pública y del entorno que las metodologías usuales en la evaluación de riesgos. Sin (...)
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  12.  20
    Análisis crítico y pensamiento.José Luis Luján - 2022 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 22:19-36.
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  13.  24
    Rationality in Context: Regulatory Science and the Best Scientific Method.José Luis Luján & Oliver Todt - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (5):1086-1108.
    Is there such a thing as a “best scientific methodology” in regulatory science? By examining cases from varying regulatory processes, we argue that there is no best scientific method for generating decision-relevant data. In addition, in regulatory science, the most suitable methodologies often differ from what is considered best practice in knowledge-oriented science. In data generation for regulatory purposes, we are faced with a wide spectrum of preferred methodologies as well as controversy as to methodological choice. What goes by the (...)
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  14.  60
    Practical Values and Uncertainty in Regulatory Decision‐making.José Luis Luján, Javier Rodríguez Alcázar & Oliver Todt - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (4):349-362.
    Regulatory science, which generates knowledge relevant for regulatory decision?making, is different from standard academic science in that it is oriented mainly towards the attainment of non?epistemic (practical) aims. The role of uncertainty and the limits to the relevance of academic science are being recognized more and more explicitly in regulatory decision?making. This has led to the introduction of regulation?specific scientific methodologies in order to generate decision?relevant data. However, recent practical experience with such non?standard methodologies indicates that they, too, may be (...)
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  15.  28
    Conflicto social, controversias científicas y debate ético. Sobre el contexto de la bioética.José Luis Luján - 1995 - Isegoría 12:172-180.
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  16.  64
    Mechanistic Information as Evidence in Decision-Oriented Science.José Luis Luján, Oliver Todt & Juan Bautista Bengoetxea - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (2):293-306.
    Mechanistic information is used in the field of risk assessment in order to clarify two controversial methodological issues, the selection of inference guides and the definition of standards of evidence. In this paper we present an analysis of the concept of mechanistic information in risk assessment by recurring to previous philosophical analyses of mechanistic explanation. Our conclusion is that the conceptual analysis of mechanistic explanation facilitates a better characterization of the concept of mechanistic information. However, it also shows that the (...)
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  17. Alcance y límites de los modelos evolucionistas de cambio científico.José Luis Luján - 2007 - Ludus Vitalis 15 (28):3-20.
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  18. La biotecnología, los actores y el público.José Luis [Y.] Luis Moreno Luján - 1996 - Ludus Vitalis 4 (7):33-50.
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  19. Darwin como noticia. La imagen de Darwin a través de los medios de comunicación en el bicentenario de su nacimiento.Carolina Moreno & José Luis Luján - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17 (32):259-279.
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  20.  62
    Non-cognitive Values and Methodological Learning in the Decision-Oriented Sciences.Oliver Todt & José Luis Luján - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (1):215-234.
    The function and legitimacy of values in decision making is a critically important issue in the contemporary analysis of science. It is particularly relevant for some of the more application-oriented areas of science, specifically decision-oriented science in the field of regulation of technological risks. Our main objective in this paper is to assess the diversity of roles that non-cognitive values related to decision making can adopt in the kinds of scientific activity that underlie risk regulation. We start out, first, by (...)
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  21.  44
    The Content of Science Debate in the Historiography of the Scientific Revolution.John Nnaji & José Luis Luján - 2016 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30 (2):99-109.
    The issue of internalism and externalism in historiography of science was intensely debated two decades ago. The conclusions of such debate on the ‘context of science’ appear to be a reinstatement of the positivist view of the ‘content of science’ as comprising only ideas and concepts uninfluenced by extra-scientific factors. The description of the roles of politics, economy, and socio-cultural factors in science was limited only within the ‘context of science’. This article seeks to resituate the ‘content of science’ debate (...)
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  22.  48
    Philosophie de la biologie. [REVIEW]Camilo José Cela Conde & José Luis Lujan - 2000 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 15 (1):177-179.
    En el primer capítulo de su libro Duchesneau aborda la cuestión de lo que es una especie, algo de difícil solución porque el de especie es un concepto de una potencia heurística inmensa y, a la vez, está lleno de agujeros que se hacen patentes en cuanto se pretende hilar fino para definirlo. Las alternativas entre la especie como grupo reproductivo -la "especie biológica"- y como secuencia evolutiva -la "especie filogenética"-, con sus respectivas precisiones internas, están bien planteadas por el (...)
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  23.  29
    School Tourism Management in Peru: a comparative study in San Pedro Chanel and Carlos Augusto Salaverry.Cristina Pamela García Trasmonte, Priscila E. Lujan-Vera, Lucia-Viviana Patiño-García, Marlon Martín Mogollón Taboada, Joyce Mamani Cornejo & Luis Arnaldo Cruz García - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):125-133.
    School tourism constitutes a source of learning to strengthen the cultural identity of students. The objective was to compare the development of school tourism in the educational institutions San Pedro Chanel and Carlos Augusto Salaverry. The Leiper space approach was used. The exhibition was constituted by 200 high school students and 20 teachers. The results show that there is statistically significant differences regarding the knowledge of the tourist resources of the province of Sullana. It was concluded that educational tourism is (...)
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    Similarity and representation in chemical knowledge practices.Juan Bautista Bengoetxea, Oliver Todt & José Luis Luján - 2014 - Foundations of Chemistry 16 (3):215-233.
    This paper argues for the theoretical and practical validity of similarity as a useful epistemological tool in scientific knowledge generation, specifically in chemistry. Classical analyses of similarity in philosophy of science do not account for the concept’s practical significance in scientific activities. We recur to examples from chemistry to counter the claim of authors like Quine or Goodman to the effect that similarity must be excluded from scientific practices . In conclusion we argue that more recent conceptualizations of the notion (...)
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  25. Yes, essential indexicals really are essential.José Luis Bermúdez - 2017 - Analysis 77 (4):690-694.
    In their recent book The Inessential Indexical Herman Cappelen and Josh Dever take issue with what has become close to philosophical orthodoxy – the view, most often associated with John Perry and David Lewis, that psychological explanations are essentially indexical. Cappelen and Dever claim that claims of essential indexicality are typically driven by intuitions rather than supported by arguments. They issue a challenge to supporters of essential indexicality: Produce an argument to back up the intuitions. This paper answers their (...)
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    Spanish Philosophy of Technology: Contemporary Work From the Spanish Speaking Community.José López Cerezo & Belén Laspra (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume features essays that detail the distinctive ways authors and researchers in Spanish speaking countries express their thoughts on contemporary philosophy of technology. Written in English but fully capturing a Spanish perspective, the essays bring the views and ideas of pioneer authors and many new ones to an international readership. Coverage explores key topics in the philosophy of technology, the ontological and epistemological aspects of technology, development and innovation, and new technological frontiers like nanotechnology and cloud computing. In addition, (...)
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  27. New Solutions, Old Problems: Agreement and Novelty in Dynamic Conventions.Nathan Malcomson - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (3):415-432.
    RésuméLe conventionnalisme social — selon lequel les conventions sociales régissant l'usage de la langue déterminent ou constituent le sens de nos mots — s'est heurté à deux problèmes majeurs. Le premier est le problème de l'accord : comment des locuteurs peuvent-ils accepter d'utiliser des mots d'une certaine manière s'ils ne parlent pas déjà de manière significative? Le deuxième est le problème de la nouveauté : comment les conventions peuvent-elles fixer le sens des usages innovants des mots? La solution de David (...)
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  28. [no title].Luis Ballesteros Pastor - unknown
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    MARINAS, Miguel: El ajá del traductor. Experiencias y versiones, libros de la resistencia, Madrid, 2021, 239p.Luis García Soto - 2022 - Agora 41 (2).
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    Tras Aristóteles.Luís G. Soto - 2010 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 19 (37):85-103.
  31.  23
    Cohesión e ideal sociales en la España de los Reyes Católicos.Luis Suárez - 2004 - Arbor 178 (701):1-30.
    Para comprender qué fue la Monarquía de los Reyes Católicos -Monarquía Católica española, como la denominaría Tommasso Campanella un siglo más tarde- tenemos que desprendernos de muchas opiniones de nuestros días e intentar referirnos a los valores, ideas y opiniones que conformaban la sociedad europea de aquel tiempo. En el tránsito de la Edad Media a la Modernidad no existía ningún valor comparable al de la fe, fundamento de toda sociedad a la que definía, haciéndola cristiana, judía o musulmana. Un (...)
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  32. Introducción ala teoria estoica de las posiones (Fragmentos estoicos sobre las pasiones: Selección y traducción).Luis Gerena, Carmen Trueba, Jesús Araiza, José Molina & Ricardo Salles - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 1 (3):181-201.
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  33. Alcorta y Echevarría, José Ignacio de: El realismo transcendental.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1973 - Pensamiento 29 (114-115):367.
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  34. Elenco 1971.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1971 - Pensamiento 27 (108):459.
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  35. Existencia y metafísica: horizonte metafísico de la existencia en la moderna y en la antigua filosofía.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1947 - Pensamiento 3 (10):131-146.
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    Suárez y las raíces espirituales del barroco español.Luis Martínez Gómez - 1989 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 16:127-146.
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  37. Qué sucedió en la historia?Luis Juan Grau - 2001 - In Valera Muñoz & Luis Enrique, Lo que debes saber sobre la historia. Valencia: Editorial Diálogo.
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    Vico y Herder. Ensayos Conmemorativos del Homenaje en el Segundo Centenario de Vico y del Nacimiento de Herder.Luis Juan Guerrero - 1950 - Journal of Philosophy 47 (15):448-448.
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    El carácter contingente de la necesidad absoluta en la ciencia de la lógica de Hegel.Luis Guzmán - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (131):3-31.
    Una de las más frecuentes críticas dirigidas contra Hegel es que su sistema crea una totalidad finalizante que determina lo que es como absolutamente necesario. La Ciencia de la Lógica, siendo el edificio conceptual de dicho sistema, es el lugar más apropiado para determinar el significado específic..
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    Correlational Analysis of Ibuprofen Behavior in Constructed Wetlands Planted with Ornamental Plants.Luis Carlos Sandoval Herazo, Boris A. Medina-Salgado & Jhon Jairo Feria-Diaz - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:561-576.
    The presence of ibuprofen in wastewater is a topic of global interest, and the mechanisms and behavior of its correlation with its elimination in ecological systems, such as constructed wetlands, is a little known topic. The objective of this study was to perform a correlational analysis of the behavior of the emerging contaminant ibuprofen in a horizontally constructed wetland in a tropical climate planted with the ornamental plant Spathiphyllum blandum. 10 experimental units were used at the mesocosm level of 20 (...)
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    Heinrich von Kleist. Sobre el teatro de marionetas y otras prosas cortas.Luis Eduardo Hoyos - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (146):165-182.
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  42.  10
    El signo religioso en el arte cristiano.Luis Borobio - 1984 - Anuario Filosófico 17 (2):89-92.
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    Diogenes Laertius 10, 22: Metrodorus of Lampsacus or of Athens?Luis Andrés Bredlow - 2008 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 152 (1/2008).
  44.  21
    Some Notes on Diogenes Laertius.Luis Andrés Bredlow - 2007 - Hermes 135 (3):370-372.
  45.  50
    Underground railroads: citizen entitlements and unauthorized mobility in the antebellum period and today.Luis Cabrera - 2010 - Journal of Global Ethics 6 (3):223-238.
    In recent years, some scholars and prominent political figures have advocated the deepening of North American integration on roughly the European Union model, including the creation of new political institutions and the free movement of workers across borders. The construction of such a North American Union, if it included even a very thin trans-state citizenship regime, could represent the most significant expansion of individual entitlements in the region since citizenship was extended to former slaves in the United States. With such (...)
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  46. El empirismo fantasma de algunos dialécticos.Luis Camacho - 1983 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 54:123-132.
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  47. Debate filosófico y realidad política (Entrevista a Michelangelo Bovero).Luis Salazar Carrión - 2003 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 22:129-138.
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  48. Esclavitudes de nuestro tiempo.Luis Cencillo - 2004 - Critica 54 (919):42-47.
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  49. La soledad: nuestro "mal del siglo".Luis Cencillo - 2004 - Critica 54 (914):36-39.
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    Sobre la filosofía y su no-lugar en el marxismo.Luis Crespo & Josep Ramoneda - 1974 - Barcelona: Editorial Laia. Edited by Josep Ramoneda.
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